NC TraCS is the North Carolina DMV's implementation of the National Model of the Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS) package. TraCS will provide officers with all of the functionality necessary to record and retrieve incident information wherever and whenever an incident occurs.

The NC DMV Traffic Records Communications System (TRCS) is an enhancement of the current Crash Reporting System that enables DMV to receive and process crash reports electronically.

NC TraCS and DMV TRCS are collectively referred to as TRCS and work together to allow officers to collect accident information and the communications software to transmit the data to a central repository and DMV using wireless and wired technologies. TRCS allows officers to collect and validate information in the vehicle using a notebook computer or at a local office using a workstation. TRCS can obtain driver and vehicle information corresponding to a driver license or a vehicle (plate or VIN) from the centralized location. TRCS is designed to be a paperless system, where creation, validation and transmission are performed electronically.

The goal of TRCS is to reduce the time needed to create a crash report while in the field. DMV processes all submitted crash report data nightly, so all data is processed within 24 hours of being received at DMV. This translates to faster correction time and in turn, expedited public availability of crash data. Crash data is used by applications such as the Traffic Engineering Accident Analysis System (TEAAS) to analyze and report on crashes occurring within the state. The ultimate benefactor of TEAAS is the population at large, as the primary goal of its use is to improve public safety along North Carolina's roadways.

The TRCS project began in 2001 when the Governor's Highway Safety Commission funded an initiative to provide the capability to electronically submit the DMV-349 Crash reports directly to the Division of Motor Vehicles. The efficiencies in time and costs that would be gained by law enforcement offices to electronically submit the crash reports was the driving force for this initiative. This program was referred to as eCrash and would provide law enforcement officers this capability using a mobile data terminal (MDT) in their patrol cars or on a desktop workstation that has a connection to the statewide network. DMV and the State Highway Patrol worked together to develop the eCrash system that would be available at no cost to law enforcement offices in the State of North Carolina. When eCrash was completed, DMV had a communications system that would accept crash reports in XML format to be sent to DMV to be processed.

During 2002, DMV was in search of a user interface that could be provided to law enforcement officers to collect accident data, and would integrate easily with the eCrash communications system. Business analysis of TraCS, its functionality, technologies used and compatibility with DMV's communications system was conducted. TRCS would be the solution to DMV's business need with customizations to TraCS and minor modifications to the existing communications system. Utilizing Oracle, Java, CORBA and XML technologies according to n-tier client/server architecture, the TRCS effort was completed and in pilot during June 2004. The first production release of TRCS was in July 2004.

  • TRCS v1.00.0001 - Released 07/2004. Initial Release of TRCS Software.
  • TRCS v1.01.0000 - Released 07/22/2004. This version provided Save to Disk capability allowing users to transfer crash reports from one machine to another. NCCRF form changes were made and form validations added according to user feedback. TRCS Installer modified to correct Windows XP install issues.
  • TRCS v1.01.0001 - Released 08/10/2004. This version provided additional validations to coordinate with DMV crash report data validation. TRCS Installer was modified to correct Windows 98 install issues.
  • TRCS v1.01.0002 - Released 09/30/2004. The installer has been changed to give appropriate permissions to all TraCS users.
  • TRCS v1.01.0004 - Released 11/15/2004. NCCRF form changes were made and validations added according to user feedback.
  • TRCS v2.00.0000 - Released 02/28/2005. Enhances the application by providing external login, automated user maintenance, facilitate supplemental reporting, retrieve insurance information, and edits for person group.
  • TRCS v2.00.0001 - Released 03/18/2005. The installer has been changed to allow the path variable in Windows 98 to be updated. The person group edit on the NCCRF has been altered to allow for the successful validation of a parked unit that does not contain any individuals.
  • TRCS v2.00.0002 - Released 05/25/2005. A patch installer has been introduced to allow for shorter upgrade time. The NCCRF form has been corrected to allow for the Report Initiation Date to be less than the current date.
  • TRCS v2.02.0000 - Released 09/10/2006. This was Server only fix which creates a DMV-349 form based on TraCS data instead of Crash.
  • TRCS v2.03.0000 - Released 05/21/2008. This was Server only fix which allows adding Units and Passengers in a Supplemental.
  • TRCS v3.00.0000 - Released 12/18/2008. Enhances the application by providing Carrier Search, Hazardous Material Name, and Auto Unlock of Open and Locked reports.
  • TRCS v3.00.0001 - Released 04/23/2009. This is a Client patch providing updates to Definitions, Validations, and Reports.
  • TRCS v3.00.1000 - Released 05/03/2009. This was Server only patch, wherein the Server Database was upgraded to Oracle 10g.
  • TRCS v3.01.0000 - Released 07/08/2009. This was Server only patch allowing the TRCS Server application to be stopped and started using a scheduler.
  • TRCS v3.01.0001 - Released 08/19/2009. This is a Client patch providing corrections to User Maintenance and Send Receive issues.
  • TRCS v3.02.0000 - Released 10/22/2009. This is a Client patch has added the edit for Blood Alcohol Content (BAC).
  • TRCS v4.00.0000 - Released 05/07/2010. This release upgraded the underlying Software used by TRCS Client: Java 1.6 and Visual C++ 2008. It also corrects the validation error with a crash involving multiple parked vehicles without license plate numbers.
  • TRCS v4.00.0001 - Released December 2010. This release added new Driver Contributing Circumstances and fixed the Agency auto population error.
  • TRCS v4.01.0000 - Released September 2011. This release added new Non_Motorist Indicator and provides updates to Definitions, Validations.
  • TRCS v4.01.0001 - Released September 2011. This release replaced incorrect TraCS files.
  • TRCS v4.02.0000 - Released September 2011. This release enabled TraCS to run on Window 7 without having to use Virtual XP mode.
  • TRCS v4.03.0000 - Released July 2013. This release moved the TRCS Servers into NCDOT Network Segmented environment.
  • TRCS v4.04.0000 - Released August 2013. This release changed the TRCS 7.3 Server to support the TraCS 10 Upgrade.
  • TRCS v5.00.0000 - Released August 2013. This release provides support for the upgrade of the TraCS application from Version 7.3 to Version 10.04.
  • TRCS v4.05.0000 (TraCS 7.3) - Released November 2013. This release corrects the TraCS 7.3 Receive Reports Issue with reports created in versions less than TRCS Version 4.0.0.
  • TRCS v5.00.0001 (TraCS 10) - Released November 2013. This release corrects the XML error received during Crash Report Send/Receive.
  • TRCS v5.00.0002 (TraCS 10) - Released November 2013. This release provides patches for zipcode validations and level 1 machine setup.
  • TRCS v5.00.0003 (TraCS 10) - Released January 2014. This release added a utility application to facilitate conversion of TraCS 7.3 forms to the TraCS 10 format, increased data encryption from 128-bit to 256-bit, and addressed issues with the printed version of the DMV 349 forms.
  • TRCS v5.00.0004 (TraCS 10) -Released May 2014. This release fixed TraCS 10 compatibility issues with 64-bit Windows Operating Systems.
  • TRCS v5.00.0005 (TraCS 10) -Released April 2014. This release • Improved the NC DMV TraCS 7.3 to TraCS 10 user sync process.
  • TRCS v5.00.0006 (TraCS 10) -Released May 2014. This release corrected a send/receive issue in which TraCS 10 users are unable to receive more than 7 reports at one time.
  • TRCS v5.00.0007 (TraCS 10) -Released August 2014. This release corrected a TRCS Server Side DB issue that was keeping TraCS 10 users from working online.
  • TRCS v5.00.0007a (TraCS 10) -Released September 2014. This release extended the end date of the NCCRF – North Carolina Crash Report Form.
  • TRCS v5.00.0008 (TraCS 10) -Released October 2014. This release addressed certain report unlocking issues found when accepting reports from the Forms Manager, as well as, Printing reports. The release also brings the TRCS website up to date.
  • TRCS v5.00.0009 (TraCS 10) -Released January 2015. This release addressed issues with supervisor's not seeing all their associated users as well as duplicate users and issues with sending empty property damage in crash reports. The release also changed the website to contain the LEA admin guide in PDF format.
  • TRCS v6.00.0000 (TraCS 10) -Released May 2015. This release upgrades TraCS10 to use Java 1.8.
  • TRCS v6.01.0000 (TraCS 10) -Released July 2015. This release supports HB1145, which classifies Mopeds as Vehicle Units, instead of Other Units.
  • TRCS v6.02.0000 (TraCS 10) -Released November 2015. This release supports HB6, which adds Autocycles as a new vehicle style.
  • TRCS v6.03.0000 (TraCS 10) -Released January 2016. This release supports Java7 release.
  • TRCS v6.04.0000 (TraCS 10) -Released May 2016. This release addressed driver with no first name issue, validation rules for driver, owner and person first name is relaxed.
  • TRCS v6.05.0000 (TraCS 10) - Released June 2016. This release updates the validation rules to support a new law requiring insurance for Mopeds, beginning July 1st, 2016.
  • TRCS v6.05.0001 (TraCS 10) - Released October 2016. This release fixes the issue with TraCS client logs not logging to the logfile.
  • TRCS v6.06.0000 (TraCS 10) - Released November 2016. This was a Server Side fix which updates the Miles/Feet from road that were not captured and passed on to be burnt on DMV 349 form..
  • TRCS v6.07.0000 (TraCS 10) - This release addressed issues TraCS client sending empty additional property section, issues in the printed version of DMV 349 forms and NCCRF forms, issues Level1 users not able to unlock or view other agency reports . This release also updated TraCS training webpage with TraCS10 Computer Based Training (CBT) files.
  • TRCS v7.00.0000 (TraCS 10) - This release upgraded TraCS client with Java 8, .NET libraries, Installshield and Visual C++ redistributable.
  • TRCS v7.01.0000 (TraCS 10) - • Updated client data access to address corruption issues.
  • TRCS v8.00.0000 (TraCS 18) - This release removes the DMV TRCS component. We will be using TraCS webservice for client communication with the server.
  • TRCS v8.01.0001 (TraCS 18) - This TraCS client release updates the Driver Exchange report template to fix the print issue concerning the blank page.
  • TRCS v8.02.0000 (TraCS 18) - This TraCS release involves the upgrade of Easy Street Draw to version 6.
  • TRCS v8.03.0000 (TraCS 18) - This TraCS release provides the TraCS18 Data Extraction function. It also corrects the Badge ID to be Secondary User ID, corrects the distance from field miles/feet information and from road description fields.
  • TRCS v9.00.0000 (TraCS 19) - This TraCS release involves database upgrade and TraCS version upgrade from TraCS 18.01.15 to TraCS 19.02.20
  • TRCS v9.02.0000 (TraCS 19) - This TraCS release removes TraCS10 customization. It also contains the following changes: TraCS form validations have been updated for unsuported diagram type, At From has been made mandatory, Latitude/Longitude NC range has been updated. TraCS server was updated to support HSTS. Driver Exchange PDF form is updated to have the correct contact address.

  • Checkout Release Notes for additional information.


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